Sangria is the typical drink of the summer, specially designed to enjoy in the beautiful beaches of Spain and around the world. The classic sangria is a delicious blend of red wine and natural extracts.

VARIETY: Selection of red grapes.
STYLE: Sangria based on red wine
REGION: The area of ​​Castilla -La Mancha, located in the central plateau of the Iberian Peninsula, is the largest vineyard in the world. Varietal wines, sangrias and musts are made in this great wine-growing area. Airén and tempranillo are the most characteristic grapes of this area. Other non-native grape varieties such as cabernet sauvignon, syrah, merlot, viura, sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, etc. Have excellent results due to the climatic and terrain conditions of this region.
TASTING NOTE: Red cherry red color, very bright. Intense aromas of citrus mixed with ripe red fruits. In the mouth it has a gentle, slightly sweet and very pleasant step.
MARRIAGE: A perfect party drink to share. Serve with paella, hot or cold lids such as olives or almonds.
SERVICE RECOMMENDATION: Cool with ice cubes, lemon slices, orange, strawberries or apples to give it a particular taste. Combines perfectly with tonic or lemon juice.
Before the packaging, the bleeding is pasteurized with which the maximum guarantees of hygiene and security are obtained, while maintaining their qualities of color, aroma and flavor intact. Gluten Free.


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1 botella de la tradición sangría
¼ de taza) de azúcar
1 taza de agua
1 naranja exprimido
1 limón exprimido
Palitos de canela
1 parte de Cointreau
6 partes de agua con gas

Llevar el azúcar, agua, jugo de naranja y limón y canela a ebullición en una olla. Cocinar a fuego lento 10 minutos, luego quitar y dejar enfriar. Ahora agregue el Sangria Tradicion, el Cointreau, y el agua chispeante en un tazón de fuente del sacador. Tome la canela del jarabe y agréguela al punzón; La fruta flotará en la superficie. Refrigere por lo menos 1 hora antes de servir.

Para decorar:
4 naranjas en rodajas finas, ½ limón en rodajas finas, ½ limón en rodajas finas, ½ manzana rebanada y 20 uvas, verde y rojo






1 botella de la tradición sangría
½ taza de vino blanco suave
½ taza de coñac

Ponga todos los ingredientes en un frasco y mézclelos, luego refrigere. Sirva bien frío y con hielo, adornando con frutas de temporada o su gusto.





• 1 botella de Tradicion Sangria
• 1 botella de prosecco
• Melocotón blanco cortado en rodajas
• Kiwi pelado y cortado en rodajas Uvas
• Frambuesas

Ponga todos los ingredientes dentro de un agitador con hielo, agite vigorosamente y sirva en jarras o vasos.










• 1 bottle of Tradicion Sangria
• 1 bottle of prosecco
• White peach sliced
• Kiwi peeled and sliced Grapes
• Raspberries

Put all ingredients inside an ice shaker, shake vigorously and serve in glasses or glasses.










1 bottle of sangria tradition
½ cup soft white wine
½ cup cognac

Put all the ingredients in a jar and mix, then refrigerate. Serve well cold and with ice, garnishing with seasonal fruits or your taste.








1 bottle of sangria tradition
¼ cup) of sugar
1 cup of water
1 orange squeezed
1 lemon squeezed
Cinnamon sticks
1 part of Cointreau
6 parts of sparkling water

Bring sugar, water, orange juice and lemon and cinnamon to a boil in a pot. Simmer 10 minutes, then remove and cool. Now add the Sangria Tradicion, the Cointreau, and the sparkling water in a punch bowl. Take the cinnamon from the syrup and add it to the punch; The fruit will float on the surface. Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving.

To decorate:
4 thinly sliced oranges, ½ thinly sliced lemon, ½ thinly sliced lemon, ½ sliced apple and 20 grapes, green and red

